Winning Solutions

Team A created a chatbot that inspires smallholders with best practices from successful farmers and plantations.

Team A developed plans for an online messaging app – or Chatbot – that aims to inspire farmers to learn best practices and sustainable farming methods from other successful farmers and plantations. The tool aims to pool and consolidate existing knowledge, data and best practices from successful farmers, agribusinesses and other value chain stakeholders. In the future, data gathered by the tool could be shared at a larger scale and would reveal useful insights about agriculture and farming practices in South East Asia. Understanding farmers’ needs was a key requirement for the winner. Team A’s messaging app mobilizes technology smallholders are already familiar with, earning praises from the judges for its user-friendliness and low production costs, allowing farmers to begin the process of digitization while providing long-term potential to scale.

AgUnity used blockchain technology to increase productivity for smallholder farmers.

AgUnity aims to build an ecosystem in the agriculture industry within an app where farmers are incentivised to share data, to plan and to purchase goods. Integrating with Blockchain, all transactions between farmers and the middlemen, as well as, the middlemen and the mills are securely tracked via smartphone and recorded on the AgUnity blockchain which allows security and transparency.

SLIDEIN created an E-wallet smart financing platform for farmers.

SLIDEIN with its PINTANI - the smart financing platform that utilises Smart Farm Equipments such as drones to capture real-time data of the farms, hopes to best advise farmers on the steps to take to increase yield and provide convenience for them to sell their produce. With such equipments, data collected can be used for further analysis.

Simple Aja leveraged existing technology to serve farmers better by using simple technology and data to consolidate helpful information.

Understanding the process of how inefficient it is for farmers to move their harvest from the plantation to the mill, Simple Aja taps on the messaging apps that the farmers are familiar with. With a few taps on the phone, farmers can request for pick up. Think of it as an Uber for farmers. Accompanied with a simple dashboard, more data including plantation locations will provide further enhancement to the system such as route optimization and more.

Palm to Palm developed a plan to finance farm upgrades through micro mill collective and sustainable financial model for farmers.

Palm to Palm provided an investment perspective to the farmers by developing a platform for investment through building micro mills. By doing so, it captures the lost value in the supply chain and generates Granular micro mill data such as yield, fertilizer use, soil analysis and more.

LISA developed a finance and productivity platform that collects data from farmers via last mile transactions.

LISA planned to develop an app to address the gap of how information from the smallholder farmers is not properly distributed and managed to agri-input manufacturers, financiers and buyers. With LISA, ground data can be easily collected by the farmers with satellite imagery that will then help to profile the smallholder farmers on areas including the identity, transaction history, land area, and productivity of land.